It’s hard to believe that cats need a personal bed, considering all the strange and seemingly uncomfortable places we’ve found them sleeping. But we also know how often our cats mix up their sleeping spots. And because they can sleep for over 12 to 18 hours a day, it’s a known fact cats love a nice comfy cat bed to curl up in after their sunny nap session.

Let’s break down the benefits of cat beds, not just for your feline companions, but for you as well.

Do Cats Need Their Own Bed?

Other than the basic comfort needs that cat beds provide — we all know that if cats don’t have a bed or sleeping spot they can claim as their own, your jersey or handbag is going to be their next option. And they will most certainly be leaving a nice furry mess behind. 

Cat beds will minimize the mess of fur and shedding during the warmer months, also giving your cats their very own sovereign kingdom. They seem to expect it after all.

Cats are territorial creatures and enjoy comfort just like us, taking comfort in a spot they can call their own. If you have more than one cat in your household, we recommend one cat bed per cat, at the very least. This will prevent upset feelings and catfights over who gets to sleep in the bed. 

They are also very sensitive to temperature changes and love having a warm soft place to curl up when the weather is chilly or windy.

The 5 Benefits Of Having Cats Beds

Other than knowing your cat is content, we’ve broken down the 5 basic benefits of having a cat bed for your furry companion, and how this new household addition can make both your lives just a little better.

1. Comfort And Cats With Health Conditions

A good cat bed will let your cat have a comfortable place to keep that isn’t the hard surface of a floor or counter, especially for older cats with joint issues or health problems. And other than the general concerns of a warm and snug place for your cat to sleep, keep reading for other benefits both you and your furbaby can enjoy.

2. Moving Them Out Of Your Bed or Bedroom

If you’re trying to get your cat to sleep outside your bedroom or bed, this is where cat beds really shine. To help ease their disgruntlement of having their routine disrupted, you can give them a comfy cat bed that works just as well – Making you feel better about your choice while still giving your furry friend the best treatments.

3. Makes Cleaning Much Easier

Cat beds and sleeping mats are absolutely ideal for busy households, and cleaning is far easier with movable and easily washable cat beds. From simple dusting to deep cleaning, cat beds with removable covers are the best choice for easy cleaning and convenient washing.

4. Providing Warmth Without Overheating

Our feline friends are surprisingly sensitive to heat, despite their enjoyment of basking in the sun periodically. Having a cat bed they can snuggle up in while not overheating is important, so the material is a factor to consider. Polyester and cotton are good choices for cat beds, as they are soft and easy to clean.

5. Cats Like Cat Beds! And We Like Our Furniture

This benefit is a simple one — they love cat beds. Being masters of comfort, cats always appreciate when we go out of our way to provide them with simple comforts and pleasures.

We can almost guarantee that your furbabies will love having a cat bed for sleeping. Whether it’s a sleeping pet bed or a cat blanket, you can be sure your furry friend will enjoy the new household addition.

Plus, when your cat has a dedicated bed to sleep on, you can preserve the lifespan of your furniture and keep it looking good and fur-free for longer while your cat remains happy and comfortable.

Bottom Line

Our furry friends need their own space to recharge, which makes having more than one cat bed around advantageous for our crazy companions – giving them the choice to be away from the hubbub of active household spots. Cats are the living embodiment of both love and personal space, and that’s part of why we love them so much.

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